It is no secret that the Quran is full of guidance and it comes from a completely honorable source. Yet, one thing that remains many is the depiction of Surah Yaseen. This is an important Surah and often misunderstood by many, because the Quran uses Yaseen to describe different circumstances in which one can choose to enter into life. Yet, when in reality, there are two types of Surah Yaseen: one with a promise and the other without.

When Yaseen is an affirmation of God's love, then it is a command for the believer to enter into life. The other type of Surah Yaseen is used to speak of a situation wherein a positive outcome is being achieved, a test or some other activity that will benefit mankind. Some Muslims feel that Yaseen cannot be in the form of a command since this type of Surah is only defined as one of the greatest Surahs because it goes against the principles of the universe.

The prohibition of Surah Yaseen does not pertain to its use in good conduct, but rather it is restricted to the use of the Surah as a promise. When the verses it contains say, "And go forth with all of your might and with all of your energy; make war upon the unbelievers and the hypocrites," then that means the unbelievers and the hypocrites will be defeated. Since the unbelievers and the hypocrites are enemies of the religion, these verses also state that one has the right to conquer them.

Many people believe that the verse can only mean that a person can conquer unbelievers in a personal story. They find that these two groups are vastly different. Those who use this as a command must read the Surah in its entirety and consider all the implications.

Thus, the first verse in Surah Yaseen says, "Say, when is there a good way for you to do this and a bad way to do this?" There is no mention in the verse of any good or bad action, only that there is a choice in mind, and the choice should be made with all of one's might and all of one's energy. Surah Yaseen is not saying that only certain individuals have the capability to be a conqueror, it simply means that they must be willing to.

After some research, the followers of the Quran realized that Surah Yaseen is not about conquering or tells them to conquer other people. Rather, the commands of Surah Yaseen are simply given to the individual who seeks to enter into life by choosing to do it. It does not state that they have to attack people and force them to accept Islam. The Quran does not tell anyone what to do and that is the purpose of Surah Yaseen.

Some Muslims will argue that the Quran is dictated directly to individuals because there is no attempt to restrict the usage of Surah Yaseen. They see the verse as simply a promise, not a command. Yet, the Quran tells the individual that there is something good and something bad about the command that they are to make a decision based on the promise and not vice versa.

If the Quran truly teaches that Surah Yaseen is one that should be viewed as a command, then those who use it to make a promise should look at it in this manner. If it can be viewed as a command, then the Muslims should fight those who are engaged in evil deeds, and if it can be viewed as a command, then the peaceful ones should assist them.